Welcome to Roy Kim's GITA 1 Webpage

Hey, welcome to my GITA 1 webpage. I'm currently taking GITA 1 as a freshman,
hoping to become a software engineer at Google one day. I'm currently learning C#, a modern,
well-used language in business. You can download the projects I posted if you'd like by selecting the screenshots. Try out C# by downloading Microsoft Visual Studio.

Good Bye Program


This program shows different images and languages based on the language button you press.

Help Page


This program is a help page for my company called "Crickleap". This program is focused on buttons.

Mailing Label


This program uses concatenation to make an address format the correct way.

Car Rental


This is a car rental program that calculates the price of a single car rented by days and the amount of miles driven.



This program calculates the Body Mass Index, the weight divided by the square of the height.

Car Rental Upgrade


This is an upgrade of the Car Rental Program. Now you can rent 3 cars in total and add additional features like leather seats.

Test Score Program


This program records 2 tests scores and gives the corresponding letter grade. The higher and the average score is given as outputs.

Dice Program


This program is a dice game that rolls the die and gives you the probability of the sums of two die.

Craps Dice Game


This program is a simulation of the Craps Game in casinos. Rolling a 7 or 11 is a win and 2,3, or 12 is a loss. Otherwise you rolled a point, and you win with the same number but lose with 7.

T-Shirt Program


This program is an online T-Shirt Sale for "Very Very Boards" that goes over all the functions we learned so far. This program uses buttons, radio buttons, textboxes, checkboxes, and caculations outputted into labels.

Slot Machine


This program is a simulation of a slot machine game that is commonly found in casinos. Enter some credits, play, and win the grand prize.



This program is a simulation of the game Rock-Paper-Scissor. With 2 real-life players, you can take turns and choose a hand signal for battle. The Player with the higher win score will be superior!

Fish 1 (Seal) Program


This program is a simulation of an aquarium that contains a seal. By clicking the MOVE button, the seal will randomly move left or right. The AUTO button will allow the seal to move by itself.

Fish 2D Program


This program is a simulation of an aquarium that contains a fish and a predator. Pressing the MOVE button will move the fish and the orca left, right, up, or down. Pressing the AUTO button will cause the fish and orca to swim by themselves. When in contact, the orca will eat the fish.



This program is a simulation of the game Tic-Tac-Toe. This game requires two real life players to go against each other. If a player makes three in a row, they win. If not, the game will tie.



This program calculates the outputs a list of numbers based on your input. Then, the program can give you either the sum, factorial, the evens, the odds or the fibonacci sequence of the numbers.

Basic AI


This program is a basic game that features one AI running through a timer, and one player. The player's goal is to defeat the dragon using fireballs (Space Bar) while earning points. Careful, since the dragon can defeat you as well. Move around to dodge using the Arrow Keys.



This program is an animation of stars in space, moving as if you are flying in a star field at intense speed.

Fish Aquarium


This program is a simulation of an "aquarium" filled with 20 fishes, a shark, and a fisherman on the top. The fishes will randomly swim around the aquarium. When the shark is near a fish, the fish is eaten. The boat on the top moves back and forth with a fishing line, which can catch any near by fishes.

Number Generator 5000


This program is a number generator that generates a total of 5000 numbers between 1-5000. The lowest and the highest number are shown, as well as the average of the numbers.

Final Project Game: "Avaritia"


This program is my final project game, called Avaritia. In this game, you have to adventure out to face a dragon, and recover the treasure he stole from you. During the journey you will face monsters. But that's fine since you can defeat them using magic! Good luck winning with a high score.